
Information according to E-Commerce-Law

Business name: Hotel Bachmann Familie Fritz GmbH & Co KG
Business owner: Mag. rer. soc. oec. Daniel Fritz

Alpbellaweg 55
A-6787 Gargellen / Montafon
T +43 5557 6316
F +43 5557 6939

Commercial register number: 15520z
Company court: Landesgericht Feldkirch
GLN (public administration): 9110015115901
GISA-number: 22673473 | 22673671 | 22673787
Authority according to ECL (E-Commerce Law): Bezirkshauptmannschaft Bludenz

VAT number: ATU 36692307
IBAN: AT13 5800 0131 5253 1111

Trade name – WKO

Information on data protection can be found in our privacy policy.

Photographic sources and copyright

Hotel photos of Haus Gariella and Haus Rätikon, Vorarlberg Tourismus archive, Montafon Tourismus archive and the photographers Peter Mathis, Ludwig Berchtold, Andreas Gaßner, Christa Branz, Christoph Lingg, Bernhard Wilfing, Roman Horner, Markus Rabanser.

The use of certain parts of the contents of this website may also constitute an infringement of the copyright and usage conditions rightfully belonging to our partners or suppliers. Use in other websites of the contents and photographic material appearing in this website is only allowed with the express permission of Haus Gariella and Haus Rätikon in Gargellen.

All information appearing in this website is given in good faith and has been thoroughly checked for accuracy. Nevertheless it cannot be guaranteed that no factual or substantial errors remain therein.

Haus Gariella and Haus Rätikon in Gargellen can provide no guarantee that the information contained in this website is accurate, up-to-date or complete, nor can it accept any related liability. All information provided is without prejudice. This is equally applicable for all links to other URLs which may appear in our website.

Copyright and conditions of usage

The contents of this website are protected by copyright law. All the aforesaid contents, text and graphics are the property of Haus Gariella and Haus Rätikon in Gargellen, with all rights reserved.

Liability for website links

Although we make every effort to control the contents of linked websites, we will accept no liability for the contents of such external links. Haus Gariella and Haus Rätikon in Gargellen will accept no responsibility for the contents of the websites of suppliers and other participating companies which are accessed via links from this website. The contents of linked websites remain the sole responsibility of the owners of these websites.
